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A Dream with my Dreamer

I know it's kind of late, but I was planning on this for quite a while and after facing some hurdles I have finally completed it . I have known Lee Seung Gi for a while now and have been a fan for more than two years but never in my dreams I thought of seeing him with my own eyes. I don't know how and when it happened, but I have developed a deep love for this endearing and charming man who is super talented too. Crying for his heartbreak and for his happiness has become a natural thing to me. When Lee Seung Gi announced Dreamer's Dream Chapter-2 Asia Tour concert, it felt like a miracle to me. They kept on adding cities after cities from Southeast Asia, and I knew my country wouldn't be a part of it, but I was determined to see him. It would have been my first foreign travel too. So, after much deliberation, I chose Bangkok which was the last stop of his tour as it suited me from both financially and timing wise. I booked my flight and hotel, arranged my tickets and off to see my extraordinary man.

A few days before concert, results of the raffle for various fan benefits were announced. And to my utter amazement, I won three out of four!!!!!!!! Me who has never won a single lottery in my life. So, I got signed polaroid, sound check and group photo. Everything was happening in my favor, but a great misfortune struck me on morning of 15th July 2023 (day of concert). I woke up in my hotel room with stomach pain followed by vomiting and loose motion ( don't want to describe in detail but it was dreadful situation) . And a single thought came to my mind, "You ran out of your luck!!!!!" . I somehow got medication but there was no change in my condition.

Till 01.00 PM, I was still in my bed on the verge of tears. I still had to collect my ticket from Airen Fan Union Thailand and also collect my benefits. I had also prepared some gift for Seung Gi and his team which I wanted to hand over to Fan Union so they can make them reach to the right person. All my plans seem to be going in drain. At 01.30 pm, somehow I gathered my courage and started dressing up in my Airen color dress especially bought for concert but everything seems dull to me with no energy left. Only silver lining seems to be the location of the hotel which was right opposite the venue.

I dragged myself to the Concert venue across the street. It was a big waiting area with a his songs playing in the background. LSG Thailand Fan Union booth , Merchandise booth, Thailand Fan Union drinks truck, a photo booth and many Airen waiting in line, support from many Airen Fan Union, it was so much fun to look at.

I somehow collected my self and went to buy merchandise . But to my disappointment, my most sought-after things tumbler, t- shirt and cap were sold out. So, I bought my light stick, pencils, photo cards, mini posters.

Then, I get into the line for collecting my fan benefits and got all those pretty ribbons tied on my wrist.

Thereafter, I collected some courage and went to get a ice tea from Fan Union Truck

But, after drinking a half of it, my stomach started acting up again and I had to throw up. Loosing all my energy, I quietly sat in a corner praying hard that somehow, I can attend sound check and concert. After some time, I found an Airen friend from Malayasia with whom I connected on SNS. So, I gathered some strength again and took some pictures with her. I missed the photo booth because I didn’t have energy to stand in that long line.

Soon, it was 4.00 pm, time for sound check. So I stood in the line for entering the hall and did this stupid thing and got my selfie stick confiscated.

We were made to sit at a distance from the stage and then I waited with baited breath for our star to appear.

And then he appeared dressed so simply wearing a light blue shirt and black pants looking so handsome and charming, accompanied by a loud screams and cheers of audience. Recording was strictly prohibited but sincerely speaking I was too overwhelmed to take any pictures or video not to mention that organisers were so strict about this. He sang three songs where occasionally he got adjustments done. Every time he looked at the crowd, waved at crowd or even said anything, fans cheered loudly with remarks like “ Handsome”, “sarangheyo oppa”, “ jal saeng-gyeoss-eoyo”.

It lasted for about 15-20 mins but it felt like just a few minutes. I was in daze when I left the hall. I got together with my Airen friend and we can’t help gushing about how handsome he was and how good his live voice is. Her phone and power bank were low in charge, so she grabbed a bite in the Mall (I couldn’t because I was so scared of eating), and then we went to my hotel which was just across the street. We chatted for a while getting to know each other. Talking about why we like Seung Gi, talking about life in general. We lost track of time and soon it was 5.30 pm, I quicky picked the gifts I brought for him. Actually, I couldn’t take them with me earlier because I was not well. When we reached the venue running, it was already 6.00 pm . I quickly collected by signed polaroid. Fanclub booth was already gone, so I couldn’t give my gifts to them. We rushed into the hall and the intro movie had started. All the band mates from Captain Planet and Pianist Sooji were already seated.

I quickly settled into my first-row seat, and waited for him to appear!!!!!

He appeared wearing a beautiful black jacket decorated with a pearl white flower on lapel and black pants and started with Dreamer’ Dream. I was simply mesmerized by his visuals and vocals. He sang most of the song with his eyes closed. But when he opened his eyes, I can’t describe how beautiful his eyes are. My phone camera is really bad and I don’t think it did justice to how he looked. He was tall, lean, so handsome, small face with such remarkable features, his beautiful enchanting smile and his eyes are so gentle that you will melt if he looks at you. Trust me, I am not exaggerating.

He sang some beautiful ballads Dreamer’s Dream, Return, Ordinary Man, Wind and the unnamed song from Encore Road documentary.

Then it went dark, and 2nd part of concert movie was played. Seung Gi appeared wearing a pearl white silk shirt and white pants singing his song Forest . The shirt has story printed on it. And now all Airen know the significance of that story and shirt.

He sang some more of his beautiful songs Forest, Desire and Hope, songs he covered in Master in the House.

Soon, the tempo of the concert took a shift towards rock with Circle, Like a Flower and crowd’s favourite Losing My Mind. Fans stood up on their seats and danced like crazy with organizer coming a few times to make us sit back on our seats. But I swear Seung Gi asked us to stand up and so we did..

Screams of fan girls sitting around a male fan, resulted in this funny and cute interaction

All the while during the concert, Seung Gi interacted with fans telling us about his dreams and plans about his future as a singer, about his company Human Made . He thanked everyone for coming to his concert several times. I couldn’t understand everything because my Korean is still very poor and the Interpreter was using Thai language.

Then, we moved to third part of concert, and Seung Gi appeared in black shirt and black pants looking extremely sexy . It is important to mention that a few buttons of his shirt were loose

He sang Delete, Encore and to my surprise Smile Boy. He performed his legendary song Because you are my woman as encore performance.

The concert ended with Seung Gi waving , throwing kisses, bending 90 degree like he always do on all sides of stage, promising to see everyone next year.

Now it was time for fan benefits, we stood in line for hi-bye session which was for all the 2000+ attendees. Seung Gi stood on stage smiling at everyone sometimes joining hands, sometimes making hearts. My task was to dodge the bodyguard and handover my gift to him personally. When I got on stage, I said “Saarangheyo Oppa” to him and handed him my gift telling him that I came from India. To this he replied “Oh really!!! Thank you” with his surprisingly big and kind eyes and that beautiful smile and dimples. I was dizzy and beaming happily I got down the stage. I wanted to hand over gifts for Bosung and his team but they were nowhere to be seen.

Now, its turn for group photo, the most exciting thing. The arrangement was that they were making some people stand and some people sit and then the bodyguard guy will come and stand next to someone for making space for Seung Gi. When my group was made to stand, that body guard came and stood next to me and after that I stopped breathing. Seung Gi came and stood next to me. All I could do is just lean on him a bit. I could feel his arm (or was it just his shirt) on my upper arm. He is so much taller but he was kind enough to lower his shoulder a bit towards me. Photograph was done and for a moment I faced him but I was so speechless and breathless that all I could do is nod my head gawking at him like stupid. Once again, he smiled at me. I think I could have shaken his hand at that moment too, I was so close. Anyways, somehow I carried myself off stage. by the way, I got this picture

It ended so soon and though it lasted around one and half hour, but I don’t think its enough. By the end, I don’t even know I was having any illness. I was euphoric and full of excitement. All my fatigue, stomach ache, diarrhea, vomiting was forgotten. I danced, jumped, sang and shouted his name at top my lungs without a drop of water or food in my tummy. My body was in overdrive and I didn’t know from where I got this energy. Though at night I got a fever , but I made myself think that I am feverish from his love

Lee Seung Gi is man born for stage, his talent deserves a much bigger stage and I hope he soon achieves that. His voice is so gentle yet passionate and powerful. The happiness of singing on stage reflects in his whole body and that vibe is enough to drive people crazy. There was not a single stage effect like you see nowadays in concerts, apart from some background animation and some lights . There were no back ground dancer to divert attention. He singlehandedly, held the stage with his singing and energy. He is a great talker too so there was no need of MC.

A special mention and shout out to Captain Planet’s band for incredible guitar and keyboard accompaniment. If God gives me chance, I would definitely attend his concert again. And this time I hope it is a full concert after release of his Anniversary album.

Airen will always support Lee Seung Gi. Finally I hope and pray that all the dreams of this dreamer comes true.

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Mon Lau
Jan 10

Thanks for your beautiful and real love description about the concert's day everything happened so perfect and excellent, it is nice to know you are recovered from your sick, thanks GOD 🙏🏻

Yeah, everyone in here love LEE SEUNG GI so much !

💖💖💖 At last, thanks for your sharing, GOD bless SEUNG GI and all his working teammates are happiness and health every moment, SEUNG GI and all of his teammates have safe flight to Paris Lille and hole the concerts are successful and perfect results, all the parties are full of happiness and joy atmosphere in here 💖🥰😍🎤💯👍🏻💪🏻🙏🏻


Fanny Ohnesorge
Fanny Ohnesorge
Dec 04, 2023
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

Thank you for the beautiful and moving Story of your meeting with Lee Seung-gi. It makes me even more looking forward for the concert in January in Lille!


Petra Šteflová
Petra Šteflová
Dec 04, 2023
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

what a beautifully written story, thanks for sharing, I hope I'll have the same impression from the concert in Lille, I am really looking forward to it very impatiently 😍


Khimmy Soh
Khimmy Soh
Dec 04, 2023
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

Thank you for sharing your story. Glad you got to attend the concert despite being sick and got better afterwards. Seunggi is indeed a celebrity so special I cannot stan anyone else for the life of me. No others come close to him at all. Like you & all airens, I pray all his dreams will come true in the coming days soon.


Dec 04, 2023
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

Thank you for sharing your story! It was wonderful to read and brings back such happy memories.❤️

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